A downloadable game for Windows

Mega Man X inspired Touhou fan game starring Reisen Udongein Inaba!

Soundtrack - https://milleoculos.bandcamp.com/album/udongein-x-soundtrack


This release isn't being supported anymore, if you wish to play the latest version, go to https://store.steampowered.com/app/1819230/UDONGEIN_X/

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
Tags2D, Bullet Hell, Side Scroller, Singleplayer


v1.1 52 MB


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 Now on PortMaster!

Thank you very much, potemki11, for sharing this rad game!

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  My name is MadShmupper and I'm part of a group of developers working on porting games to handheld Linux devices. Our project is named PortMaster(https://portmaster.games/) and we have an active Discord server in which you are very welcome to come check out any time.https://discord.gg/JxYBp9HTAY

  For the past couple of years, we've added a nice amount of games from engines such as Gamemaker and Godot to various Linux devices. Many of them in a ready to run format.

  We at PortMaster, firmly believe in reaching out to content creators/game authors like yourself to ask for consent in distributing their "free" game or demo, within a ready to run port, downloadable via PortMaster. Without your consent, the user will need to manually add their own obtained game files. 

  Regarding this unsupported version only, it would be fantastic if you could grant us permission to include your awesome game, 'Udongein X', within a packaged port as a ready to run game on PortMaster.  May we distribute the game in question, please? Your game would undoubtedly be a most excellent addition to these handheld devices. Especially in a "ready to run" format. I personally purchased your supported version on steam after having played this version here on itch. I believe that if more handheld users were able to see this version of your game being enjoyed on a handheld device, the more of them may be drawn to purchase your finished and supported version, just as I did.

 You and anyone else responsible for this rad gem will of course be properly thanked, noted, and linked accordingly. PortMaster will be responsible for the ports maintenance should any be needed. However, as the creator, you are welcome to come check us out and have any say you'd like involving said port. 

  Please note that we are not looking to, nor shall we take or accept monetary profit for any port, nor take credit for having created any of the games that we port unless of course otherwise having indeed, made said game. Our primary goal is to introduce more games to our beloved PortMaster community and to showcase these game creations by excellent devs such as yourself.   

 I'll close this by thanking you on behalf of myself, and the others at PortMaster, for any consideration that you may lend towards our request!



Sure, that's cool, you have my full support. I've bought 3 Anbernics recently, so I'm well aware of PortMaster at this point.

This itch version is completely free, so it can be distributed in a ready to run format.  It would also be great if you could port my other game, Artificial Dream in Arcadia, to PM, but I don't know if that's possible since it's compiled with YYC, and this one with VM.

Wow! Thank you for the quick reply and most of all, your decision.  I'm happy to hear that you are familiar with PortMaster!

YYC games will not port over to PortMaster.  In fact, I originally tried porting your paid version of this title to my device but then saw it was yyc, so then I thought I'd ask about this one since it is indeed compatible. 

Again, thanks so much for your decision! I will create a testing thread for it in PortMaster as soon as I'm able. I'm currently playing catch up on a few things and once caught up, I shall then post it. So it may be a day or two or sooner, before I open a thread. 

I'm looking forward.🎩

Yea while i think thi sgame is interesting, ive never been good at megaman games in general and i doubt i could ever beta this game. I doubt i will ever be able to beat any bosses either.

These games have some learning curves, especially with bosses. But once ya begin to catch the groove, this game is fantastic.🙂I hope you hang in and keep trying at it🥂



I stumbled upon this game and really enjoyed it (so much so that I'm even getting it on Steam :D)!

There's this tournament called Mystery Tournament where people race a game that they've never played before... And Udongein X was played there! Because of the tournament structure, we\* didn't allow players to use the shop and they had to beat all open stages but Doremy's stage.

If you would like to check the race (the video should be timestamped, but they start talking about the game at ~13 min, and the race starts at 16:43):

\* by "we", I mean the testers... xD

Guessing you've never heard of touhou project, welcome to the community 'u'

Muy bueno la verdad

Said it twice and i'll say it again, love your game, it's very intuitive, in case you're reading this, is the secret boss you talked about in twitter the same that will be added to the steam version, or is there a secret boss already for beating Lunatic without dying? No worries, you don't have to answer, i'll try to check the latter myself and also buy the steam ver. when it relases, take care and get better soon you beautiful prince <3

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Thanks for further updating, I can FINALLY beat the game in normal (dang hard it was! Still merciless and brutal) Now attempting a second loop trying to record the full playthrough videos.

Like the game so far, but I ran into a bug where landing on the pill bottle and some spikes will freeze the game (looping sounds are still playing) My face when I stepped on both a pill bottle and spikes I think it’s related to both of them changing health in the same frame cancelling eachother out, and therefore never going anywhere since both are on the same cycle and heal/damage the same amount, but I haven’t opened the game up in UndertaleModTool to check, so my guess might be completely wrong.

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Hello devs!

Game is okay for most parts, except for the flying level (Doremy's stage) which is so impossible - enemies inflict way too much damage than they should, and I've yet to see any check point until I gave up after 2 hours of struggle. If there's any further update of it please consider making the flying level more forgivable and have some degrees of mercy. Thanks.


My best tip for this level is just spamming the shit out of the shoot button like it was an real touhou level

I like this game for the most part, some annoying screen crunch on a few levels like the city and Seija's level. Would also be nice for some coyote time when jumping because that gets me falling down pits the most especially in Hell stage.
I bombed while fighting Seija after she yin yanged and crashed the game.

please fix

my game scanned as a virus too for some reason

game was scanned as a virus for some reason


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Just beat the game on Normal, and had a great time! The stages are all very fun, and many of them have stage-specific gimmicks that do a good job of switching up the gameplay and keeping things interesting. The core gameplay itself is also very fluid and fun, with my only gripe being the same thing others have said about the dash jump, the way it controls currently led to some jumps that were more frustrating than I feel they were intended to be. (EDIT: There's been an update that completely fixes this gripe I had!) That's really my only complaint though, I loved the visuals, soundtrack, and boss fights. The game is difficult, but having infinite lives means that it never gets too frustrating and you can always jump right back in. The boss fights in particular all have really creative and fun to learn attack patterns. Crossing my fingers that the creator's plans to release this on Steam and Switch eventually come to fruition!

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I have completed a playthrough of the game on Normal difficulty. 

I would like to echo the sentiment of a previous commenter - adding the ability to dash jump from neutral (or from walls) by holding the button rather than having to tap it as you begin moving would be a significant quality-of-life improvement. Additionally, I had two bugs in Seija's stage:

  • I got stuck above the level after inverting the gravity here. I was able to escape and die by scaling the left wall and falling into a spiked ceiling.

  • I got stuck in a wall while fighting Seija herself. I was able to finish the fight, in spite of this.

Additionally, this may be user error on my behalf, but I managed to overlook the 'SHOP' button on the stage select until I was nearly done with the game. Giving it a more distinct background, or perhaps an icon, would help a lot with both aesthetics and visibility.

Overall, I had a very good time with this title, in spite of these minor issues. I will definitely be looking forward to any other titles you may release in the future.

How do you connect a controller? I’ve tried my PS4 controller through Bluetooth aka DS4Windows, my Xbox 360 with an adapter, and my 8Bitdo controller through Bluetooth and cable and the game can’t detect it. Help?? I really can’t play this on keyboard

It might just be GameMaker not liking wireless pads. Try updating your controller drivers. If that doesn't work, you can try running the game through Steam, which has its own controller support.


nevermind, I forgot Joy2Key was a thing

It's very fun 

Now it's fun and even harder, just how i like em

Super cool project! I really hope to see it come to fruition! I do think the dash mechanic could be improved (such as holding dash while on a wall and jumping results in a jump-dash, like in Mega Man X), but I like this a lot. One major issue though. I am not sure why, but I managed to freeze the game (requiring relaunch I think). I was in a segment on Doremy's stage, where there are a lot of Kedamas all shooting at you (after the P powerup and also a screen flash, I think near the end of the stage). I got hit and picked up a big healing item in close succession (possibly on the same frame), which caused the game to freeze. I was streaming it on Discord at the time, but I doubt that affected it. Attached is a screenshot. It seems that it still responds to inputs (pressing dash makes something pop up). I thought you may want to know this. Very nice game though!

I can confirm I got this bug a couple of time on the Doremy stage.
It's most likely caused by picking up health and getting hit while healing. I wonder if it can also happen in other stages.

It's not, and it can't happen anywhere else in the game. It's caused by the fact that collision check with the item happens before the game clamps Reisen's position, causing this to happen: you pick up the item -> game pauses -> game moves Reisen away from the item -> games stays frozen and no health is added. This happens because the code for health regeneration is in the item's collision event.

Oh alright, that's nice to know.
Thanks for the reply and explanation

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Just played the demo and I can say I really like the idea of the game.
The sprites and animations are really nice.
The gameplay is intuitive, for the most part, and easily understood
(except maybe for the mouvement on the cross-pattern of Yumemi that are controlled by your left and right inputs ?).
The level design on the X-themed stages is great, there is a smart design for speed paths, the fact that only the small ennemies (that can be killed with a level 2 charge) are really blocking you, is really nice.

Overall I really like the game and hope you will finish this project and release the full game !


Played through Demo v0.2.4. Some comments on the design:

  • I was unable to tell if power points stay collected after death, so I just got them every time.
  • Putting finnicky instant death spikes you have to dash under near the end of a checkpoint in Mokou's stage is not great.
  • I love the concept of Doremy's stage, but it feels like it might be better serviced by switching the player shot type to something more suited to shmup design (e.g., autofire while holding fire and no charge). The end of the stage in particular is an absolute clusterfuck and I got through it by just micrododging a shitload of bullets, which is not ideal. This stage in general is much harder than the rest of the content in the demo and could wall people.
  • Doremy and Mokou are very easy compared to their stages; I beat the latter first try even with the transition phase. Not necessarily a problem but they felt somewhat underwhelming to me.
  • Yumemi's attacks just feel kind of random and unpredictable, especially the teleportation. I just kind of fumbled my way into a win, which wasn't particularly satisfying. This could be addressed with better tells (distinct sound effects would help a lot) or by giving her more of a pattern than just selecting attacks completely randomly.
  • Tenshi was the most fun and balanced boss for me. The tell for her sword slash requires paying close attention to her sprite at all times, which is a little questionable given the rest of the fight. Being able to drop a bunch of kaname-ishi in a row is also kind of silly (something else that could be addressed by not letting bosses pick attacks completely at random). Otherwise this fight was satisfying to learn and overcome.
  • The Iku midboss fights could probably be nerfed somewhat, especially the second one, given that it takes place at the end of a long and non-trivial checkpoint.
  • Enemies in the stages probably have a bit too much HP across the board. It gets a little old having to fire a charge shot and then wildly mash to dispatch basic kedama and fairies, and the amount of HP they have can complicate some of the platforming segments.

Overall I was pretty impressed, the game controls very smoothly and the stages are reasonably complex without turning into Kaizo design. Looking forward to see how subsequent releases will polish and expand on what's here.

Really cool game! It is featured in my Top 5 of this week!

Check my video!

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I have concluded that I suck at this game
It's really good game though! Keep up the hard work!




Been following this on twitter, excited!

Very nice! d(◕ᴗ◕✿)

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really cool game, congrats. really looking forward to this

there's a bug I encountered that can kill tewi on dialogue, just shoot before touching the boss door and make sure your bullet is on screen, to achieve this you need to be a little far away from the boss door, then shoot and dash. if you do this the bullet will travel the next screen and kill the boss on dialogue

sorry if my english is not the best